About Us
We are an online store base in Letchworth Garden City, owned by Hongkongers.
Our story
Starting from 2020, a big wave of immigration from Hong Kong to the UK, we left our beloved hometown in 2021 to start a new life in thousands of miles away. We found Letchworth is a great place to live so we chose here to be our new home in 2022.
As an inside joke of Hongkongers, HKers are really love working! However continuing the same career in the UK may not be that easy for most of us, probably language barrier, lack of job opportunities in the industry, or family reason. People may be unemployed, or taking mismatched job, this situation reflects a big waste to their talents and the economy.
Meanwhile Letchworth is facing economic challenge over the years, local people tell us Letchworth is a historic and beautiful town, it was more vibrant in the past, while the local businesses are continuously declining here. More businesses close down and shops are vacant.
Are there anything we can do for Letchworth and Hongkongers? Finding the answer is our target.
Our goals- Support local businesses in Letchworth
- Support Hongkongers-owned businesses in the UK
- Introduce Hong Kong culture in Letchworth and the UK
- Introduce Letchworth to Hongkongers in the UK
Our work and businesses
- Showcasing local & HKer talents
- Matching local demand and supply
- Selling Letchworth / Hong Kong related products, locals consignments
- Promoting Hong Kong culture and Letchworth tourism